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Keynote Speaking

Wellness stems from within. When we are well, we are able to bring our best selves forward to life, work, and play. In today’s world, wellness can be pushed to the backburner as we struggle to find time to take care of ourselves, our families, and our work. 

Dr Tubuo works with individuals and organizations to amplify their communication, connection, and confidence so they can find wellness in their lives and make an influential impact on the world. She makes meaningful connections with audiences and provides guidance that helps others realize their true potential from within as they learn about intentionality and their health. Her down-to-earth humor compels audiences to laugh while they learn from someone who faces the same challenges and issues as them. Audiences leave with empowering tools to make changes in their lives, feeling energized and well-equipped to take on new challenges on their path to wellness.  

Cory Miller, Regional Vice President Mckesson, Multi-Specialty

Emlah conveyed an inspiring and motivational talk, radiating positivity throughout. Emlah’s ability to share personal stories captivated the audience, making her message relatable and impactful. Her approach was not only engaging but left a lasting impression, encouraging those present. No doubt Emlah’s insights and energy contributed significantly to the overall success of the event.

All keynotes can be customized to fit the audience and industry needs. All keynotes can be delivered in-person or virtually.

Keynotes are designed for:

  • Professional tradeshows

  • Corporations

  • Non profits

  • Seminars & conventions

  • Schools

  • Conferences

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